Here's to strong women -- may we know them, may we be them, and may we raise them.

Valerie Monroe

Valerie Monroe Profile Photo

Former Beauty Director at O, The Oprah Magazine / Editor at Ms., Redbook, Self, and Parenting Magazines

For nearly sixteen years Val was beauty director at O, The Oprah Magazine. She’s been an editor at Ms., Redbook, Self, and Parenting Magazines, among others, a contributing writer at Parents and Entertainment Weekly, and has written hundreds of articles on a wide range of topics for many national publications. Sjes considered an expert in the field. Because of her intimate connection with magazine readers through my monthly column at O, my extensive experience interviewing beauty experts, and my writing on the many aspects of the beauty culture.

She also publishes a popular Substack newsletter: How Not to Fu*k Up Your Face, philosophical and practical advice for anyone who’s ever looked into a mirror.

March 30, 2023

How to Navigate & Challenge Beauty Standards // with Val Monroe & Debbie Saroufim

Val Monroe, former beauty editor for O, The Oprah Magazine and writer of the popular Substack newsletter How Not to F*ck Up Your Face, and Body Relationship Coach Debbie Saroufim, chat with host Carmelita Tiu about how to nav...
March 16, 2023

Grappling with Beauty & Objectification // with Valerie Monroe and Debbie Saroufim

What woman hasn’t disliked part of her face at some point? My nose is too big. I don’t like my profile. My forehead is too big. I wish my lips were fuller. Val Monroe, former beauty editor for O, The Oprah Magazine and write...